Cinema4D Freelance Talent | Mograph masters, animation gurus, pixel pushers.
The purpose of this site is simply a directory of Cinema4D talent, hopefully closing the gap between the growing Cinema4D user base and the producers/directors requiring those skills.
Details on this site are purely as provided by the members themselves. If you want your details added, contact Aleksey Voznesenski Through social media or email.
C4DFreelances is a non-profit venture, but if you get work from a contact made here, or you find someone here who helps you realise a project, Feel Free to share my stock character rigs with people who might need them :)
COUNTRIES: Locations are listed initially by numbers of users, then alphabetically.
Argentina | Australia | Austria | Belgium | Bolivia | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | Colombia | Croatia | Czech Republic | Denmark | France | Finland | Germany | Greece | Hong Kong | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Ireland | Italy | Lebanon | Luxembourg | Mexico | Netherlands | Nigeria | Portugal | Poland | Mexico | Netherlands | Nigeria | Portugal | Romania | Serbia | South Africa | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Tanzania | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom | United States |